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"Anthony Burgess et la musique" (in French)

France Culture, le 26 décembre 2010


Une émission de Marie-Andrée de Saint-André et Anne Franchini dans la série "Une vie une oeuvre".

A écouter sur le site de France Culture.


Avec des interviews de :

Ben Forkner, ancien directeur de l'ABC

Graham Woodroffe, responsable du Centre Anthony Burgess d'Angers, auteur de Anthony Burgess, Autobiographer, Presses  de l'Université d'Angers, 2006.

Christine Jordis, amie de Burgess, écrivain, journaliste au Monde, responsable du département anglo-saxon des éditions Gallimard,  auteur de  Gens de la Tamise : Le roman anglais au XXe siècle , Seuil, 1999 - Prix Médicis.

Pascal Terrien, musicologue, enseignant au Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris , auteur de Musique et Vidéo, L'Harmattan, 2010.

Dominique Goy-Blanquet, traductrice française de Burgess, collaboratrice de  la Quinzaine littéraire, Petit Wilson et Dieu le Père, Grasset,  1996

Marc Jeannin, maître de conférences à l'Université d'Angers, auteur de Anthony Burgess : Music in Literature and Literature in Music, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.

Alexis de Camboulas, claveciniste

Emmanuelle Béart, actrice


Et des enregistrements de la voix de Burgess provenant de la collection Burgess à Angers.

Last Updated on Sunday, 17 April 2011 19:17
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Language and Loneliness

in Earthly Powers


by Martin Phipps


This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Anthony Burgess’s Earthly Powers, a novel that abounds in examples of significant coincidence, or what Carl Jung theoretically designated synchronicity. That it should fall on a year in which a pope on the fast-track to sainthood, John Paul II, and a world-famous novelist, Saul Bellow, die within days of each other and so have their earthly careers recapped everywhere in adjacent obituaries—newspapery versions of the novel’s twinned lives, so to speak—is a coincidence which I trust the shade of the author is chortling over, between bouts of pointlessly pushing rocks up hills and whatnot, down—or is it up?—in Purgatory (Dante’s cosmography is as headachy as an M.C. Escher lithograph). The existence of Purgatory is of course still maintained by the Church that Burgess defected from, which is perhaps not the case with the Rome rendered in Earthly Powers, with its “now much impaired eschatology” (EP, 20), an allusion to post-Vatican II liberalizing tendencies that threatened to mothball many a medieval, outmoded doctrine. Such tendencies John Paul II, immovably conservative, famously arrested or reversed in most cases. Karol was no Carlo—sad, one ventures to say, to say. But then Bellow was no Toomey, whose novels, referred to in elderly retrospect, sound as embarrassingly medieval and outmoded as any Thomistic treatise; his memoirs, thankfully, are thoroughly modern.


Last Updated on Sunday, 17 April 2011 19:19